• I’m originally from Barcelona, Spain. I studied Chemistry there at the Institut Químic de Sarrià from 2010 to 2014

  • I moved to London in 2014 to study an MRes in Chemical Biology at Imperial College London thanks to a scholarship from La Caixa

  • Now I’m a PhD student at the Institute of Chemical Biology at the same institution

  • My research interests lie at the interface of Biochemistry and Computer Simulations. In particular, I use MD simulations to study the structure and dynamics of cardiac Troponin, an important regulatory protein that is involved the muscle contraction process.

  • I enjoy coding in Python due to its expressivity and ease of development for data analysis and scientific visualization.

  • I have a passion for teaching, so you might expect some blog posts from me explaing some topic or software trick that I have found useful. I have also been a Graduate Teaching Assistant for a handful of courses at Imperial and also am a certified Software Carpentry Instructor.

You can find an updated copy of my CV here